Cumberland Winds
Coming October 21st!!
Cumberland Winds Jazz Project
Friday, October 21, 2022
HCHS Forum
7:00 PM

About The Cumberland Winds
What we do and who we are:
The Cumberland Winds is made up of a large number of musicians who perform in a variety of groups in diverse venues. This musical organization, located in Clarksville, TN, provides quality live performances to the greater Montgomery county area. The musical groups consist of a concert band, big band, dixie band, jazz combo, brass quintet, woodwind quintet, and include a number of solo instrumentalists.
The Cumberland Winds Concert Band is a community band that performs a variety of traditional and popular musical styles including show tunes and music from movie scores.
The Jazz Project specializes in performing music from the big band area.
The Jazz Combo and the Dixie Band perform jazz standards and dixieland style music.
The Brass and Woodwind Quintets perform standard quintet repertoire and popular music.
The solo instrumentalists including our harpist, perform at special events that are limited in space and have an intimate setting.
Through our fundraising efforts, the Cumberland Winds is also able to sponsor scholarships for local high school students for private instrumental instruction through the Community School of the Arts at Austin Peay State University.
For bookings contact:
Mike Ritter/Musical Director
(c) 931-436-3465
For donations:
Mail your checks to:
Cumberland Winds
2180 Crestwood Dr.
Clarksville, TN, 37043